Pilates Mobility Fundamentals™

Mobility exercises are crucial for maintaining joint flexibility, muscle strength, and overall movement efficiency. Fundamentals™ provides an organized template for instructors to draw from to teach the foundations of a healthy and productive Pilates practice. Introducing the Tye4®, Yuu Fujita and June Kahn show how this powerful tool helps with proprioception, strengthening tensile patterns through multiple ranges of movement and relationships to gravity while gently challenging and assisting students to feel the entirety of their structure dynamically increasing mobility.

The Package Includes the Fundamentals™ Manual containing 27 exercises on 29 pages; the Fundamentals™ video in which Yuu Fujita teaches for 1 hour and 22 minutes using Tye4®; and a second Fundamentals™ video taught by June Kahn with Tye4X™ which is 4 hours long.

• Conscious Breathing, Head Float, Imprinting, Abdominals, Pelvic Bowl • LOWER BODY -Hip / Knee Moves, Leg Slide, Knee Sway • UPPER BODY- Cervical Moves, Bowing, Ribcage Arms, Rotating Arms, Scapula Moves•TOTAL BODY- Articulation Moves, Torso Twist, Bridging Cat Flight, Hip Extension • STANDING- Standing Foundation Single Leg Abduction Lateral Bend Balance Protocol • 

SPECIALS- Foot Focus, Brain Connector*, Pelvic Floor Kegels* Pelvic Floor Standing*

Incorporating these exercises into your routine can help improve flexibility, reduce stiffness, and enhance overall movement. It's important to perform these exercises regularly and with proper form to gain the maximum benefits.

I have always loved Pilates Fundamentals and the use of TYE4 opens new dimensions to the work. Yuu Fujita is a wonderful, skilled, and gifted teacher. With TYE4 I can increase the depth of awareness in my movement and mind/body connection. Thank you.”