Pilates for the Future
As a PMI Certified teacher since 1998, I’ve recently learned why using TYE4X while executing the original Matwork exercises is such an advantage. I spent years working to discover my body’s connection to movement. Tensegrity, alignment, oppositional forces, and proper form and control is easily discovered and discerned with Tye4X™. I can “feel more” on exercises that were possibly being “forced into shape” by larger, stronger muscles. It’s easier to access smaller stabilizing muscles that are often overlooked or under-utilized. Adding resistance assists the user in performing exercises that could not be achieved without support. This is a freeing source of the body’s innate power and command of itself in movement. No denying TYE4X, used with the original Matwork sequence, offers the user (including me) a whole new way to learn (and love!) more about TheMethodPilates. - Kelly McBride Quinn
The legendary June Kahn teaches our Pilates TYE4 MatworK. First, for an hour and fifteen minutes, she explains the 25 exercises without any props. Then, for an additional hour and thirty minutes June shows the same exercises with TYE4. With precision and a deftness unsurpassed in this in-depth course, she outlines exactly what you should be feeling and what muscles should be firing. Revealed here is the greater connection you will experience with the prop and know exactly what Ms. Quinn has discovered… namely that matwork is just better with TYE4!
Our detailed manual breaks down each exercise.
June teaches the famous 25, which haven’t changed since Joe choreographed them, with and without the TYE4.
The requirements for certification are as follows:
Buy a TYE4® and TYE4X™ ($150);
Purchase the study materials ($200);
Zoom so we can see your adeptness with prop ($200); and finally the
Purchase of additional Zoom sessions to pass the exam ($200 each).
We expect most people to complete this certification for $750, including the exam and you’ll have as long as you need to complete this course.
The study materials may be purchased as CEC for Matwork Renewal, assuming you already own a TYE4.
The 25 exercises include Hundreds • Roll Up • Single Leg Circles • Rolling Like A Ball • Single Leg Stretch • Double Leg Stretch • Single Straight Leg • Double Straight Leg • Crisscross • Spine Stretch Forward • Corkscrew • Saw • Neck Roll • Single Leg Kick • Double Leg Kick • Neck Pull • Jackknife • Spine Twist • Side Kick • Teaser • Swimming • Mermaid • Side Plank • Push Up • Seal