Elaine de Markondes MD, PT, M.Sc
Brazilian, Canadian Permanent Resident, Medical Doctor, Physiotherapist, Master Trainer in Pilates, Fascial Fitness Trainer, former Ballet dancer and Tango dancer for 10 years. Certified in Ideokinesis by the Dance Notation Bureau, where studied the somatic approach to the body and movement, Master Degree in Performing Arts and in Communication and Semiotics, certified in Pilates by the PhysicalMind Institute, in Gyrotonic Expansion System in Mulligan, in Myofascial Liberation and in Fascial Fitness. These certifications are important fundamentals that guide her clinical research and teaching experiences regarding movement as means to generate health, autonomy, and longevity to individuals in general.
A pioneer in the introduction of the Pilates Method in Brazil, representing the PhysicalMind® Institute, providing the institute certification courses and teaching professionals throughout the country. Her educational choice by the institute focused on the Fundamentals® step by step progression to complex movements, defines the great differentials of her clinical and teaching approaches focused on body perception and sensorimotor re-education promoting new movement strategies for global functional restoration.
President of DeMarkondes Pilates® for 21 years, regularly participates in Training and Continuing Education courses offered by PMI such as: Pilates Matwork, Pilates Apparatus, Standing Pilates, Pilates Rehabilitation, Tye4 Workout, Bone UP, among others. Currently, just created and launched in partnership with the institute the course VECTORS & MOVEMENT – a fascial approach which discusses the fascia training concepts and principles in the environment of the movement in general, Pilates, other movement techniques, dances and sports.
25 years ago started, in partnership, a pioneer Pilates studio company in Brazil, Núcleo do Corpo, where accumulates administrative and clinical functions, rehabilitating patients using movement guidelines to manage musculoskeletal disorders and symptoms control.
Throughout her professional trajectory, developed the Pilates method's applications in various areas such as: ballet dancers training; orthopedic and neurological patients, patients in hospital environments and clients in general.
Participated in different physiotherapy council and Pilates works groups to discuss and apply Pilates Method parameters in Brazil, what did as ABRAPI’s (Pilates Brazilian Alliance), vice-president and president.
Dr. Elaine de Markondes regularly, teaches, by invitation, in lectures, workshops and courses at various national and international events and in postgraduate courses subjects regarding Pilates Method, Dance Science, Dance Kinesiology and Physiotherapy.